10 Adorable Scenes of Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman Movie!

The Beginning:

Wonder Woman is one of the most popular female superheroes out there, and superheroes in general. That's why it might have come as a surprise to many that it took so long for her to appear in her solo film. Of course, Lynda Carter had already played Wonder Woman and made her memorable on TV, but it wasn't until Gal Gadot appeared as the Amazon princess that Wonder Woman finally got all the love she deserves.

In 2017, Gadot starred as Wonder Woman in her solo film. She already appeared a year before in the crossover Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice but was only given a real opportunity to shine in her solo adventure. And there were many instances when Gadot completely nailed the role and perfectly embodied her superheroine character.

1. When She Spoke With An Accent:

Gal Gadot comes from Israeli and her Wonder Woman speaks with an accent different from the rest of the American and British characters. While Gadot could have adopted a different accent for the part, she didn't and it helps to differentiate Diana from the rest of the world.

After all, she's special, there's no-one else like her in the world of man, so it's only appropriate that the way she speaks also reflects that.

2. When She Sort Of Flirted With Bruce Wayne:

While Wonder Woman and Batman never really got together in the comics, not unlike Wonder Woman and Superman, there was still something going on between them. Batman kissed Wonder Woman in the comics and she expressed her interest in him in one of the animated series, but, unfortunately, he rejected her.

Still, the chemistry between them exists, and Batman v. Superman well reflected that when Bruce and Diana first met - even before he knew who she truly was.

3. When She Joked With Steve Trevor (And Others)

Speaking of Batman, Wonder Woman is much less dark and grim - even though she's also been through a lot, her optimism helps her to keep going. She also has a sense of humor in the comics, and Gal Gadot and the screenwriters managed to keep it in the film as well.

Despite the war raging, Diana still finds time for occasional jokes and smart quips. That's why it's even more devastating when she loses Steve.

4. When She Grieved For Steve Trevor

The scene in which Wonder Woman realizes that Steve is gone is one of the most heart-wrenching in the film. Especially when the audience realizes that she has to live with the loss many years later.

And while they mostly stayed together in the comics, Diana is usually just as loyal to those she loves and doesn't forget them even if they haven't seen each other for a long time. Unlike many of her fellow superheroes, she also didn't have that many prominent romantic interests - simply because once she truly loves someone, she's fully in.

5. When She Acknowledged Her Feelings

Finally, it's also important to acknowledge the relationship between Diana and Steve, albeit relatively brief. Wonder Woman isn't shy to owe up to what she's feeling, to acknowledge it, and show it to the world, or at least to the relevant person.

So once she realized how she truly saw Steve, she went for it. Unfortunately, life interfered and it tore them apart, but that's a whole other story.

6. When She Decided To Leave Themyscira

Wonder Woman may have integrated well in the world of man, but her heart will always partially belong to Themyscira. After all, it's her home, the place where she was born and grew up. Yet she finds the strength to leave it, even though she knows she most likely will never be able to come back.

Since the island is cloaked, hidden from the rest of the world. And even though the way she leaves differs in the film and in the comics, what remains is the painful saying goodbye to her mother - who also has to deal with the fact her daughter is leaving her forever.

7. When She Took On Enemies To Save Innocent People

Some superheroes are less concerned about potential 'collateral damage' but that's not who Wonder Woman is. She always cared about others, regardless of whether she knows them or whether they're strangers, and she believes all life is important.

To make Wonder Woman take someone's life, it means she sees no other choice - because she prefers to avoid killing in the comics, as long as she believes there's an alternative to it.

8. When She Joined The Justice League

Wonder Woman may have stayed in the shadows for a better part of a century, but when the time came to join forces with the Justice League in order to save the world from a giant threat, she didn't hesitate even though she knew it could have put her in the public eye.

But Diana still helped Bruce and the others when he asked because that's just the kind of person she is. And even though Gal Gadot makes it obvious Diana felt torn about the decision, she made the right call in the end.

9. When She Pointed Out The Injustice

Diana was accustomed to a different way of living and the organization of society when she came to the world of man. But despite the cultural differences, she wasn't afraid to call it how she saw it; and when something was silly and didn't make sense, she pointed it out.

For example, she questioned the type of fashion that makes women limit the free movement of their bodies and is primarily designed to make their body thinner.

10. When She Tasted Ice-Cream For The First Time

Finally, there's an adorable scene inspired by the comics in the film. In the scene, Diana gets to taste ice-cream for the first time ever, and she immediately falls in love with the tasty treat.

It doesn't have any impact on the plot but it still lets the audience see a less serious side of Diana and Gal Gadot put just the right amount of childlike enthusiasm into the moment to make it look realistic and believable. AD
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